unit uCPHttpClient; interface uses System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.Net.HttpClient, uXGDataList; const V_HttpResponse_Success = 200; V_HttpResponse_ConnectFail = 12029; V_HttpResponse_ReadTimeOut = 12002; type TCPHttpType = (ht_Get, ht_Post, ht_Put); TCPHttpResponse = record StatusCode: Integer; HttpData: string; ErrorMsg: string; end; TOnResponseEvent = reference to procedure(const AHttpResponse: TCPHttpResponse); TCPHttpClient = class private type TCPWorkState = (ws_Wait, ws_Work); TCPHttpThread = class(TThread) private FOnExecuteProc: TProc; protected procedure Execute; override; public property OnExecuteProc: TProc read FOnExecuteProc write FOnExecuteProc; end; TCPHttpItem = class(TObject) private procedure DoHttpReceiveData(const Sender: TObject; AContentLength, AReadCount: Int64; var Abort: Boolean); function ConvertResponse(const AResponse: IHTTPResponse): TCPHttpResponse; overload; function ConvertResponse(const AError: string): TCPHttpResponse; overload; function ReadErrorIDEMessage(const AEMessage: string): Integer; procedure Excute; protected FThread: TCPHttpThread; FHttp: THTTPClient; WorkState: TCPWorkState; OnResponseEvent: TOnResponseEvent; HttpType: TCPHttpType; ReqURL, Params, Headers: string; TryTimes: Integer; procedure Reset; procedure Request; procedure Stop; procedure UpdateError(const AError: string); procedure UpdateCompleted(const AResponse: IHTTPResponse); procedure SynchNotifyResponse(const AHttpResponse: TCPHttpResponse); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; private FRequestList: TCustomDataList<TCPHttpItem>; procedure ClearData; function GetWorkHttpItem: TCPHttpItem; protected procedure HttpRequest(const AHttpType: TCPHttpType; const AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders: string; const AOnResponseEvent: TOnResponseEvent); public constructor Create(); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Get(const AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders: string; const AOnResponseEvent: TOnResponseEvent); procedure Post(const AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders: string; const AOnResponseEvent: TOnResponseEvent); end; implementation uses System.Threading, uLogSystem; const V_MaxTryTimes = 3; { TCPHttpClient } procedure TCPHttpClient.ClearData; var I: Integer; AHttpItem: TCPHttpItem; begin FRequestList.Lock; try for I := 0 to FRequestList.Count - 1 do begin AHttpItem := FRequestList.Items[I]; AHttpItem.FHttp.OnReceiveData := nil; AHttpItem.Free; end; FRequestList.Clear; finally FRequestList.UnLock; end; end; constructor TCPHttpClient.Create; begin FRequestList := TCustomDataList<TCPHttpItem>.Create; end; destructor TCPHttpClient.Destroy; begin ClearData; FRequestList.Free; inherited; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.Get(const AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders: string; const AOnResponseEvent: TOnResponseEvent); begin HttpRequest(ht_Get, AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders, AOnResponseEvent); end; procedure TCPHttpClient.Post(const AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders: string; const AOnResponseEvent: TOnResponseEvent); begin HttpRequest(ht_Post, AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders, AOnResponseEvent); end; function TCPHttpClient.GetWorkHttpItem: TCPHttpItem; var I: Integer; AHttpItem: TCPHttpItem; begin FRequestList.Lock; try for I := 0 to FRequestList.Count - 1 do begin AHttpItem := FRequestList.Items[I]; if AHttpItem.WorkState = ws_Wait then begin Result := AHttpItem; Result.WorkState := ws_Work; Exit; end; end; Result := TCPHttpItem.Create; Result.WorkState := ws_Work; FRequestList.Add(Result); finally FRequestList.UnLock; end; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.HttpRequest(const AHttpType: TCPHttpType; const AReqURL, AParams, AHeaders: string; const AOnResponseEvent: TOnResponseEvent); var AHttpItem: TCPHttpItem; begin AHttpItem := GetWorkHttpItem; AHttpItem.HttpType := AHttpType; AHttpItem.ReqURL := AReqURL; AHttpItem.Params := AParams; AHttpItem.Headers := AHeaders; AHttpItem.OnResponseEvent := AOnResponseEvent; AHttpItem.Request; end; { TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem } constructor TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.Create; begin FHttp := THTTPClient.Create; FHttp.OnReceiveData := DoHttpReceiveData; FHttp.ConnectionTimeout := 3000; FHttp.ResponseTimeout := 5000; WorkState := ws_Wait; FThread := nil; end; destructor TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.Destroy; begin Reset; Stop; FHttp.Free; inherited; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.DoHttpReceiveData(const Sender: TObject; AContentLength, AReadCount: Int64; var Abort: Boolean); begin end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.Excute; procedure HandleException(const AEMessage: string); var AErrorID: Integer; begin if FThread.Terminated then begin WriteLog(ClassName, 'FThread.Terminated true:' + Integer(Self).ToString); Exit; end; Inc(TryTimes); AErrorID := ReadErrorIDEMessage(AEMessage); if ((AErrorID = V_HttpResponse_ConnectFail) or (AErrorID = V_HttpResponse_ReadTimeOut)) and (TryTimes < V_MaxTryTimes) then Excute else UpdateError(AEMessage); end; var AHttpURL: string; AParamList: TStringList; AResponse: IHTTPResponse; begin case HttpType of ht_Get: begin if Params.IsEmpty then AHttpURL := ReqURL else AHttpURL := ReqURL + '?' + Params; try AResponse := FHttp.Get(AHttpURL); UpdateCompleted(AResponse); except on E: Exception do begin HandleException(E.Message); end; end; end; ht_Post: begin AHttpURL := ReqURL; AParamList := TStringList.Create; try AParamList.Text := Trim(Params); try AResponse := FHttp.Post(AHttpURL, AParamList); UpdateCompleted(AResponse); except on E: Exception do begin HandleException(E.Message); end; end; finally AParamList.Free; end; end; ht_Put: ; end; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.Request; begin if not Assigned(FThread) then begin FThread := TCPHttpThread.Create(True); FThread.FreeOnTerminate := False; FThread.OnExecuteProc := Excute; FThread.Start; end else begin if FThread.Suspended then {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} FThread.Resume; {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED ON} end; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.Reset; begin TryTimes := 0; OnResponseEvent := nil; WorkState := ws_Wait; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.Stop; begin if Assigned(FThread) then begin if FThread.Suspended then {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} FThread.Resume; {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED ON} FThread.Terminate; FThread.WaitFor; FThread.Free; FThread := nil; end; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.SynchNotifyResponse(const AHttpResponse: TCPHttpResponse); var AResponse: TCPHttpResponse; begin AResponse := AHttpResponse; if AResponse.StatusCode = V_HttpResponse_Success then WriteLog(ClassName, Format('%d %s', [AResponse.StatusCode, AResponse.HttpData])) else WriteLog(ClassName, Format('%d %s', [AResponse.StatusCode, AResponse.ErrorMsg])); if Assigned(OnResponseEvent) then TThread.Synchronize(FThread, procedure begin if FThread.Terminated then Exit; OnResponseEvent(AResponse); end); end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.UpdateError(const AError: string); begin SynchNotifyResponse(ConvertResponse(AError)); Reset; end; procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.UpdateCompleted(const AResponse: IHTTPResponse); begin if Assigned(AResponse) then begin SynchNotifyResponse(ConvertResponse(AResponse)); Reset; end else raise Exception.Create('UpdateCompleted AResponse is nil'); end; function TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.ConvertResponse(const AResponse: IHTTPResponse): TCPHttpResponse; var AStringStream: TStringStream; begin FillChar(Result, sizeof(TCPHttpResponse), #0); Result.StatusCode := AResponse.StatusCode; AStringStream := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.UTF8); try AStringStream.LoadFromStream(AResponse.ContentStream); if Result.StatusCode = V_HttpResponse_Success then Result.HttpData := AStringStream.DataString else Result.ErrorMsg := AStringStream.DataString; finally AStringStream.Free; end; end; function TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.ReadErrorIDEMessage(const AEMessage: string): Integer; var AStartIndex, AStopIndex: Integer; begin AStartIndex := Pos('(', AEMessage) + 1; AStopIndex := Pos(')', AEMessage) - 1; Result := StrToIntDef(Copy(AEMessage, AStartIndex, AStopIndex - AStartIndex + 1), MaxInt - 1); end; function TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpItem.ConvertResponse(const AError: string): TCPHttpResponse; begin FillChar(Result, sizeof(TCPHttpResponse), #0); Result.StatusCode := ReadErrorIDEMessage(AError); Result.ErrorMsg := AError; end; { TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpThread } procedure TCPHttpClient.TCPHttpThread.Execute; begin inherited; while not Terminated do begin if Assigned(FOnExecuteProc) then FOnExecuteProc; if not Terminated then {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} Suspend; {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED ON} end; end; end.